Saturday, February 26, 2011


It is with great sadness tonight that Cafe' Vacca Matta PMB will be saying FAREWELL to one of our Resident DJ's:

DJ SYNDICATE has decided to bring down the curtains on his djing career here in PMB as he heads of to the sunny shores of Durban.

DJ SYNDICATE has been with Cafe' Vacca Matta PMB for more than three years to date and in this time he has made numerous fans and gained immense popularity.

The Management and Team here at Cafe' Vacca Matta PMB would like to first of all say THANK YOU DJ SYNDICATE - for all the good times and your hard work behind the deck. You've helped CVMPMB become a very succesfull club and in doing so you've entertained thousands of patrons from all walks of life here at PMB. Our loss is indeed Durban's gain. So once again thank you and we wish you well and everything of the best on your move back to Durban.

The good news is that DJ SYNDICATE will remain a dj within the group - which includes Cafe' Vacca Matta @ Suncoast Casino, Club Casa Nostra, and FTV Florida Road. So for those of you in Durban - be sure to catch him at one of the above venues as he carries on his legacy.

The time has come to say FAREWELL to this legend and tonight he will bring you one last powerfull mix - catch him spinnig the decks from 12am - 2am - don't miss this opportunity to come socialise with a true PMB legend as he brings you the final episode.

PS: All you VACCAMANIACS can rest assured that your favourite nightspot and club will remain in the solid hands of our resident DJ SNAZZY as this PMB lad continues to bring you the magic.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Cafe' Vacca Matta PMB turns 4!

Café Vacca Matta PMB turned 4 Years old this weekend!

The Management and Staff of CVMPMB would like to take this opportunity to once again say "Thank You" to all you Vaccamaniacs. 

Without your valued and loyal support it would not have been possible for us achieve all these great and wonderfull things that we have until now.

Since opening our doors 4 years ago we have seen party goers from around the world who have come to visit CVMPMB to experience a truly unique partying experience and to share in the special vibe that only CVMPMB has.
CVMPMB has indeed come a very long way since opening our doors at the Golden Horse Casino some 4 years ago.
So here's to another four years and many many more. May the parties grow bigger and the fun never stop!
Watch this space for some really exciting news that will be released shortly !!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Launch of Student Nights feat. DJ Switch (Wednesday 9th February)

Café Vacca Matta PMB  brings you yet another crazy funfilled night to add to your weekly lineup of events.
Launching Wednesday, the 9th of February, featuring the highly popular DJ Switch, STUDENT NIGHTS is set to take PMB by storm!

Morgan Van Staden aka DJ SWITCH is one of the more highly sought after DJ’s in South Africa.
With a total of seven years in the Djing business he is a highly versatile DJ and some of his achievements include:
  • YOTV’s resident DJ (2004 to 2008)
  • Hype Magazine DJ of the Year (2009/2010)
For more information on DJ Switch - please check out his website at:

Playing alongside DJ Switch will be the ever popular Resident Cafe' Vacca Matta PMB DJ’s:
                                                       SNAZZY AND SYNDICATE

STUDENTS NIGHT is bound to be highly popular. 

Students please remember, you can enjoy FREE ENTRY on the night with a valid student card.

So students – be sure to catch the biggest party in town, designed especially for you!
All happening Wednesday, February 9th yet another first brought to you by the team at:
We lead while others follow J